
Andy Williams 

Love Story(Where Do I Begin)

作詞:Carl Sigman
作曲:Francis Lai

Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love she brings to me
Where do I start


=發音:ue ren s
=u e ren si(臥矮憐惜)+無i(vo i=妻意=妻醫)

=英文字母horo發音:W+h(e chi u)+e(i)+r(a)+e(i)
=W(3下倒/下3倒/ha san do/ha sa don)+h(e chi u)+e(i)+r(a)+e(i)
=ha sa+ don(dori/do2/6o/ii x c+o/lco/ko)+h(e chi u)+e(i)+r(a)+e(i)
=ha sa ko+h(e chi u)+e(i)+r(a)+e(i)
=哈薩克(ha sa ko)+可治療臥(e chi u)+醫啊醫(i a i)
=喊人死(hua ran s1)+可治療臥+醫啊醫

英語:Where(hu e o)(哪裡)
=婦矮黑(hu e o)——>ir11M說「婦矮黑」,irh12說英語「where(哪裡)」
=打矮黑(hu e o)——>ir11M說「打矮黑」,irh12說英語「who?矮黑!(誰?矮黑)」
=撫矮黑(hu e o)——>ir11M停止攻擊,下馬說「撫矮黑」,irh12說英語「why(hu ai=hu oii=hu unii=hu 8=hu e3=hu eo)(為什麼?)」



=tsu dyan +di i di  gau wan tsu 
=tsu(十+su=14)+dyan di i di  gau wan +tsu(十44形=18)
=14+dya(dyoi=diyo=diyiu=diyau=條=1)+ri(2)+di i di  gau wari 18
= 17 di i di  gau wa ri 18
=捷克ig17在,一直到靠近南德ir18(17 di,i di  gau wa ri 18)→6千年前
=tsu dyan di i di  gau wan tsu 
=家住在(tsu dyan di)+15(1 d1/idi)+到(gau)+靠近(wa ri)+14(十su=N)
=家住在+哈薩克(irp15)+到靠近+布利亞特(第14字母:N=滿州:mua Jyu)
=tsu dyan di i di  gau wan tsu 
=tsu(十4/4音+4=8)+d(4)+y(ui/u異=n=ri=2)+an(1+ri=3)+di i di  gau wan tsu 
=17+di i di  gau wan tsu 
=17+di(6異i/6+1+i/7+i/gi)+i di  gau wan tsu 
=17gi+i di gau wan tsu 
=17gi+i di gau+wan(丸=圓=元=1)+tsu(十4=14)
=17gi+一直到(i di gau)+15
=ig17+一直教訓(i di ga 4)+阿蘭柳(IRP/15=哈薩克=irp15遷移高盧i9,建立:France)——>上古時代匈人ig17語族,殺阿蘭柳王ir15語族(父系IRP15)佔領其國。

=pe wan+nai kiyau i
=pe(飆)+wa ri+ria1(4)+kiyau(iic+i+ya+4=5+1+ya+4=10+ya)+i
=pe(b異e=b1e=8=ba=打)+wa ri+14+ya1
=8(SI組合=s1=sa=抓)+靠近(wa ri)+N(第14字母)+ya1(4ia1=7=G)


阿蘭柳(北京語音:a ran riyo)

哈薩克(北京語音:ha sa k2)


Andy Williams 

Love Story(Where Do I Begin)

作詞:Carl Sigman
作曲:Francis Lai

Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love she brings to me
Where do I start

With her first hello
She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine
There'd never be another love, another time
She came into my life and made the living fine
She fills my heart

She fills my heart with very special things
With angels' songs, with wild imaginings
She fills my soul with so much love
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely
With her around, who could be lonely
I reach for her hand, it's always there
How long does it last

Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know I'll need her 'till the stars all burn away
And she'll be there
How long does it last

Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know I'll need her 'till the stars all burn away
And she'll be there

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